Wednesday, February 13

Care Flight Bears

Today we had a flying visit from a special friend who I lived with in Townsville. Willi was an amazing support for me and I will always be grateful for the love and friendship she provided me with when I first moved to Townsville. And not to mention I discovered a wonderful friend in her daughter Cassia (waves to Cass if you are reading this!). It has been 3 years since I have seen Willi and she hadn't met the girls just seen lots of photos.

Willi blew in to town in her usual whirlwind / crazy style and brought with her 8 beautiful CareFlight Bears that she has been collecting for the girls since they were born. For those that don't know the girls story they were born 29 weeks prem in Sydney and at just 6 days old they were flown back to Canberra by the wonderful CareFlight Team. So as you could imagine the girls were incredibly taken with Willi or Lilli (as Georgia calls her) and her bears. Such a touching gesture from a beautiful person.

I also have to share this artwork. This is the gallery that Willi is managing in Katoomba. The artwork is amazing and I can't wait to visit and see it in real life. Here

So if you are in Katoomba it would be worth a visit. I would love to put some of this art on my birthday wishlist but its a little out of our price range at the moment. I might have to just be happy with some of her prints!

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