Wednesday, October 22

Goodbye Baby Tooth

Annabel lost her first tooth yesterday. And not under normal circumstances. At 18 months of age she fell over her dolls pram and smashed her little tooth back into her gum. The dentists told us nothing could be done until it fell out. Fast forward to two months ago when we discovered an abscess on her gum. One dentist wanted to conduct root canal on her - they expected a 4 year old to sit still while they drilled her tooth!! We sought a second opinion from a pediatric dentists who decided to completely remove it..
It was all done under a GA and she was incredibly brave.......
The tooth fairy paid a visit last night and left her some money, which she has put in her piggy bank to buy us all Xmas pressies (aww sweet).
The husband of one of our friends thinks that its he will now be able to tell the girls apart. (Thanks Nick).

Waiting to go in

Afterwards an icy pole helps

Our brave girl and her gap

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is super brave and I am a very proud Auntie!! x x x