Thursday, September 21

Diggin in the Garden

Just thought I would share these photos...Georgia & Annabel diggin in the garden! They love being outside and we have been spending a lot of time out there weeding & diggin (as Annabel calls it). We are getting ready for a big delivery of mulch and dirt as we are replanting the back gardens and irrigation systems that Charlie destroyed as a puppy. Time to get the gardens up to scratch so they are ready to go if we need to sell in a hurry early next year. And yes the girls are in little pinnie's that I made from an old vintage pattern (thanks Mum). We dressed up for playgroup this morning. Which is highly unusual for us.... as they generally only wear practical (climbing, running & jumping) clothes.


Anonymous said...

I have the most beautiful girls in the world

Anonymous said...

Well i have the most beautiful nieces in the world