Monday, May 12

My Mothers Day...

My Mothers Day.......

Michael really out did himself this year. Rather than give me a pressie for Mothers Day he booked a surprise lunch for us at Berrima. What a beautiful place. And as another surprise he had organised for Aunty Peta to meet us there. We had a nice morning eating pink cupcakes in the bakery, meeting some of the locals, checking out the shops especially the lolly shop and browsing the markets. This was topped off by a nice lunch at one of the local pubs. It was a big day but thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.

Meeting the locals - the pig and the Alpacas

Sunday, May 11

Long time...

Well its been a month since the last post. The girls have started back at school and life is insanely busy once again. In the last week we have had Nanny stay. We all really enjoyed it and the girls loved showing her their school. Nanny also got to see the Queen of Wobblies (Annabel) in action with some major meltdowns taking place over the week. Although it was Georgia's turn the week before..we have to share the wobblies around.
So what have we been up to...

Archie has learnt to pull himself up onto his feet. Nothing is safe. Not even the fridge!

Lots of shopping for winter clothes and boots. The best way to entertain two nearly 4 year olds at the shops is to let them dance in the front window and wave at the passerbys!

And a rare photo of the three of them together in the bath!