Monday, May 28

Sewing Mumma

The start of some cord pants for one of the girls
A birthday pressie for someone. I can't reveal what it is for another couple of weeks
(so just a little sneaky peak)

Today I finally got to some sewing. The girls were quiet happy to entertain themselves while I got started on a few projects. I am finding that I am too tired to sew of a night so I have set myself a little task to do a bit each day while the girls have a rest! I have also decided that this year I am going to try and make most birthday pressies for the girls friends. I bet this lasts till brothersister arrives. We have a 1st Birthday Party this weekend for Damien so watch this space......

Friday, May 25

Our Graceful Fairy

Annabel has taken to pretending to be a fairy. She wears one of my oversized t-shirts around and flaps her arms. She is not particularly graceful (as you can see from the photos)
but it keeps us all entertained!

I hope Aunty Jen is still planning on making the girls a fairy outfit for their birthday.

I personally believe that she has been watching too much of that crappy fairies show on
Channel 7 each morning.

Monday, May 14

12 Weeks and 2 Days till Brothersister Arrives

Just thought I would post a picture of my belly for the international / interstate family. Its finally gotten bigger. I have gone from looking fat and tubby to actually looking pregnant. We only have 12 weeks to go (hopefully a little less) until the new baby arrives. Thankfully I am no where near as big as when I had the girls. The girls arrived at 29 weeks + 3 which is only 13 days away!!!

Mothers Day Weekend - Camping

We have just returned from a weekend down the coast at Barlings Beach, near Rosedale (where Nic & Keith have a weekender). We stayed in cabins with 3 other families. The kids had a great time - swimming, playing and running wild. The beach was beautiful but breathtakingly cold. This didn't deter the kids and Georgia seems to be finally over her fear of sand!

Saturday, May 5

Chilly Autumn Day

What do you get when you turn your back for 5 seconds on a chilly autumn day???.............

Georgia Leigh stripped down to the nuddie and hosing herself off with the grey water hose from the washing machine. At least we are doing our bit for the environment!